
We at JPS believe in imparting high quality Value based Education. We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought. Education should help us to ascertain the real facts and it should give us the courage and thought of independence to withhold as well as to excel. Best education should remove the inner negative strategies of an Individual. Once you are coming out of the Academic schooling, you should be brave enough, well skilled, highly motivated and more than the text book knowledge you are equipped with. Education should honour the physical and mental richness by filling out our abilities both in the way of offering the text book knowledge as well as guiding us. If such schooling is needed then, Jalandhar Public School should be your destination.

The school believes in national integration. It encourages enrolment of boys and girls irrespective of income, class, creed, religion or region with no reservations or preferences for any particular community or religion. Our school has students hailing from varied parts of the society and belonging to diverse religious groups. They fully participate in all the festivals celebrated and cultural programmes conducted at the school. This serves to give them a feel of the hallowed ideals of 'Unity-Purity-Divinity', which is the quintessence of Indian culture.

There are some RULES to be followed through all Academic years;

  • Students must come to the school in proper, neat and clean uniform, with their nails properly trimmed.
  • Students must attend the school regularly and punctually. Non- Sikh boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals.
  • Students must bring their diaries to the school every day.
  • Students must show due respect and deference to the school authorities.
  • Students must handle all the school property with care and give required attention .
  • For any act of serious indiscipline, the school reserves the right to suspend or expel the student with or without warning.